Tamesol Communications

Tamesol Communications is an IT/multimedia company established with the aim of providing services in the areas of ICT, audio/video production, marketing and communication. The company is well known among others for its weekly television shows: Q&A-Tiyakena Mels, Forum Cinema and Constitution Q&A. It also organizes different events and is engaged in creative audio/video production.
The Website is based on Typo3 and features Calendar, News and Videos. The first version of the website was based on yaml and has been moved to t3sbootstrap.
Abeba and Abebe
Abeba and Abebe is the first ever animated series to be made in Ethiopia by and for Ethiopians. It follows a standard kids series format of 52 x 7 min episodes (that’s one story a week for a year!) and is aimed at an audience of 6 - 12 year olds.
“አበባ እና አበበ” በኢትዮጵያውያን ለኢትዮጵያውያን የተሰራ የመጀመሪያው አኒሜሽን ፊልም ነው፡፡ ይህ በልጆች ፊልም ፎርማት 51x7 ደቂቃ የሆነና (በሳምንት አንድ ጊዜ ለአንድ አመት) ደረጃውን ጠብቆ የተሰራ ፊልም የተሰራ ከ6-12 ዓመት ላሉ ህፃናት ሲሆን እንደመነሻ የኢትዮጵያን ህገመንግስት አድርጎ ህፃናትን ስለመብቶቻቸው እያስተማረ የሚያዝናና ፊልም ነው፡፡
The website is made with Typo3 and most of the contents use a slider based on content in tt_news. The website features two languages, one of them is the Ethiopian language Amharic which has its own alpahbet.